Waheed Khan

Title: President at the The Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM) & Senior Advisor at Environment and Climate Change Canada

Expert Overview

Waheed Khan is an expert on issues of human rights, visible minorities, climate change, diversity and inclusion.

Waheed Khan is the President of the Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM), an independent network that provides a platform to visible minorities in the Federal Public Service to discuss their priorities, share information and advocates on their behalf.

Mr. Khan has a passion for public service based on social justice and equity, to serve all Canadians regardless of their ethnic origins, gender, background and any other identities. During 2016-17, he co-chaired the Technical Committee of the Union-Management Joint Taskforce on Diversity & Inclusion, which presented its final report, "Building a Diverse & Inclusive Public Service" to the Treasury Board President, the Honorable Scott Brison in December 2017.

He is committed to promoting healthy and respectful workplaces where public servants who reflect the diversity of Canada, can thrive and serve all Canadians with excellence. In 2009-2011, he was deployed at Canada's Mission to Afghanistan where he led a joint Canadian and US team working with military officers to rebuild public sector capacity in Kandahar and to promote good governance and the rule of law. He has worked in several countries including Bangladesh, China, Egypt, India, Nepal and Pakistan.

Mr. Khan also works as a Senior Advisor, Climate Change International, at Environment & Climate Change Canada. Since joining Environment Canada in 1999, he has worked on many challenging files, including climate change diplomacy, by engaging and supporting Canada's Diplomatic Missions abroad to highlight Canada's international leadership on climate change, and build support for Canada's international priorities. He has also worked on clean technology demonstration and capacity building in key developing countries including Egypt, China, India and Pakistan, to reduce global emissions of pollutants that have an impact on our environment and the health of Canadians.

Mr. Khan is the recipient of Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal, Canadian Forces General Service Medal and the Minister of International Trade Citation of Excellence.




Queen Elizabeth Diamond Jubilee Medal

Canadian Forces General Service Medal

Minister of International Trade Citation of Excellence

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