Siham Elkassem

Title: Therapist, Social worker, Researcher

Expert Overview

Siham Elkassem is an expert on issues of social work, therapy, addictions, mental health, Muslim children and the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim children.
Siham is a social work therapist supporting racialized communities and individuals. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Social Work from Memorial University of Newfoundland where her academic research is focused in the areas of Islamophobia, Muslim communities and addictions, social work practice, and education.
Siham is trained in the Circle of Security Parenting approach and provides different forms of therapy including Anti-Racist Decolonizing Therapy, Attachment-based Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectic Behavioral Therapy, Narrative Therapy and Trauma-Informed Therapy through her own practice at Affia Wellness.
Siham is a visible Muslim woman who was born and raised in Chicago and has been living in Canada for the past 25 years. She comes from Palestinian and Algerian descent, with a Lebanese partner, mixing different cultures. She believes her social location and lived experience has been a positive force in her life.


Memorial University of Newfoundland,
Ph.D. Social Work, ongoing

Kings University College, 
Master of Social Work, 2016

Kings University College,
Bachelors of Social Work, 2015



The Susan J. O’Neil Award for Excellence In Social Work Practice
Issued by Kings University College School of Social Work · May 2015


Memorial University School of Graduate Studies Dean’s Excellence Award Topic: Examining Anti-Muslim Racism Through the Lived Experience of Muslim Youth
Issued by Memorial University of Newfoundland

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