Saleem Khan


Title: Journalist/Producer/Editor & Founder

Expert Overview

Saleem is an expert on issues of journalism, journalism ethics, press freedom, virtual reality, augmented reality, misinformation, disinformation and technology.

Saleem Khan is an award-winning journalist and digital news pioneer with a passion for the public interest. He is the founder of JOVRNALISM, an immersive and spatial journalism consultancy and professional resource for virtual, augmented and mixed reality (VR, AR, MR) and related technologies in news.

Saleem is editor and project leader at INVSTG8 anti-misinformation news and technology project. Saleem launched, managed and reported for CBC’s (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) technology news service; was news and global technology editor for the world’s largest international newspaper Metro; launched, edited and was emergent platforms editor for The Conversation Canada, and held editor roles at Toronto Star newspapers. Other work includes the New York Times, Canada's Globe and Mail and National Post newspapers, and business media outlet Fast Company. He was a 2015 Kiplinger Fellow in Public Affairs Journalism at the Ohio State University, 2014 UNITY (Ford) Fellow, and won recognition for news innovation in the Knight-Mozilla News Technology Design Challenge and News Innovation Challenge, and the African News Innovation Challenge. He was a finalist for the 2019 Google Digital News Initiative, 2018 Nieman Fellowship at Harvard, 2011 OpenNews Fellowship, and a semifinalist in the 2010 Knight News Challenge.

Saleem is a past adviser to the Google/Knight Foundation/Online News Association virtual reality initiative Journalism 360, and the ONA ethics committee where he co-wrote the industry-leading Social Newsgathering Code of Ethics. He was the sole international elected judge of the Investigative Reporters and Editors from 2016-2018, and 2018 Digital Publishing Awards. As chairman of the Canadian Association of Journalists for a decade through 2010, Saleem led it from its worst times to its best since it began in 1978. He was a founding director of the Canadian Journalists' Education Foundation, and a director of the John H. McDonald Journalism Foundation. Saleem lives in Toronto.



The Ohio State University,
Kiplinger Fellowship, Public Affairs Journalism, 2016

X University, 
Bachelors of Arts, Journalism


Awards and participation:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
MIT Open Documentary Lab virtual reality conference

Global Investigative Journalism Network,
Activities and societies: 2007 Organizer/chairman of organizing body, Toronto

Aspen Institute,
Executive Leadership, organizational management


Available for

Live TV interviews
Taped TV interviews
Radio interviews
Print interviews
Op-ed writing and analysis

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