Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Title: Professor, Policy Analyst, Social Justice Advocate

Expert Overview

Dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui is an expert on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, social inequality, immigration, refugees, multiculturalism, racism, Islamophobia, hate crimes, integration, radicalization, terrorism and mental health.
Dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui is an award-winning public speaker, media pundit, researcher, and human rights advocate. She is currently a professor of sociology and criminology at Sheridan College and a diversity equity inclusion/policy consultant. She conducts fieldwork in the areas of migration, race/ethnicity and identity and is an expert on issues relating to immigrant/refugee integration, racism, Islamophobia, religious radicalization, public policy, and more. Her doctoral research has explored the ways in which Muslim communities in the West navigate their social worlds in a post 9/11 climate, amidst rising Islamophobia. Her other research includes a qualitative analysis of South Asian immigrants' healthcare seeking behaviours and experiences of discrimination in Ontario, as well as research looking at racial microaggressions experienced by racialized refugee youth, and hate crimes data analysis.
Dr. Ghaffar-Siddiqui’s expertise is sought in academic, public, and political forums worldwide and she is regularly interviewed by major media outlets, including the New York Times, CBC News, CTV News and others. Her contributions as an academic continue to make an impact on the policies relating to the equity of immigrants and racialized minorities in Canada. She has served on the boards of The Pluralist Foundation and The Canadian Council of Muslim Women Toronto, is on the advisory council of Sheridan College, the editorial boards of Monitor Magazine and Institute of Religious and Socio-Political Studies, on the steering committee for Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, and the Canadian Muslim Vote, and is the co-founder of Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom Canada. Dr Ghaffar-Siddiqui also volunteers her time as a Prince Charles’ Trust mentor for youth in the U.K.


McMaster University, 
PhD Sociology, 2019

University of Waterloo,
Master of Arts Sociology, 2012

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Op-ed writing and analysis

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