Reyhana Patel

Company: Islamic Relief Canada

Title: Head of Communications and Government Relations at Islamic Relief Canada

Expert Overview

Reyhana is an expert on issues of gender-based violence, racism, women's rights, Islamophobia and humanitarian aid.

Reyhana is the Head of Communications and Government Relations at the international NGO Islamic Relief Canada.

She is a former BBC News Journalist and specializes in advocating for change in civil society and minority communities on issues around gender-based violence, racism, and women's rights. She was named in Apolitical's 2021 top 100 women in gender policy.

Reyhana grew up in the Caribbean and spent eight years in the United Kingdom before moving to Canada.


University of Birmingham
MSc, Economic Development, Research and Policy

University of West Indies
BSc in Business Management

Apolitical's Top 100 Influencers in Gender Policy in 2021

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