Naved Bakali
Title: Professor at University of Windsor
Expert Overview
Naved Bakali is an expert on issues of Islamophobia, race and racism, War on Terror, securitization, Critical Race Theory and education.
Naved Bakali is an Assistant Professor of Anti-Racism Education at the University of Windsor. He completed his PhD from McGill University, Montreal, in Cultural and International Studies in Education, where he also served as a sessional lecturer. Prior to joining University of Windsor's Faculty of Education, Naved was an Assistant Professor of Education at the American University in Dubai.
Drawing from critical race theory, cultural and media studies, and post-colonial theory, Naved's research focuses on the study of anti-Muslim racism, also referred to as Islamophobia. Additionally, his research interests include internationalizing and decolonizing higher education, refugee education, Islamic pedagogy, and educational programing for survivors of trauma. His research provides a fresh and innovative perspective on Islamophobia within institutional settings, thus demonstrating the institutionalization of anti-Muslim racism across the global North and South.
Naved has been the recipient of major international, national, and departmental grants and awards in recognition of his work. Naved is the author of Islamophobia: Understanding anti-Muslim racism through the lived experiences of Muslim youth (Brill/Sense 2016) and co-editor of Teacher training and education in the GCC (Lexington Books 2021) and The rise of global Islamophobia in the War on Terror: Coloniality, Race, and Islam (Manchester University Press, Forthcoming).
Naved is a dynamic scholar who believes in socially oriented action-research that challenges prejudice and inequality by combining his research with grassroots activism.
Publications/Media Experience
McGill University,
Ph.D Curriculum and Instruction (Educational Studies), 2015
McGill University,
Master of Arts, Culture and Values in Education, 2011