Muaz Nasir

Title: Editor/Publlisher at Khaleafa

Expert Overview

Muaz Nasir is an expert on issues of environment, conservation, sustainability, climate change, stewardship and religion and environment.

Muaz Nasir is a Canadian environmentalist living in Toronto. He has worked and volunteered in the private, non-profit, institutional and government sectors promoting environmental initiatives across the residential, commercial and industrial fields.

He holds an Honors Degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University; specializing in business-environmental organization partnerships and organizational change. He is currently the editor and publisher of the Muslim-environmental blog, and sits on several committees including Greening Sacred Spaces, Earth Day Canada, TD Friends of the Environment and CivicMuslims.

Muaz is currently employed at Toronto Water providing strategic and business direction to the division.


York University,
Masters Environmental Studies

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Op-ed writing and analysis

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