Katherine Bullock

Title: Lecturer at the University of Toronto Mississauga

Expert Overview

Katherine is an expert on issues of Muslim women, media representation, Muslim organizations in Canada, Islamic charity and basic income.

Katherine Bullock is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto at Mississauga. Her teaching focus is political Islam from a global perspective, and her research focuses on Muslims in Canada, their history, contemporary lived experiences, political and civic engagement, debates on the veil, media representations of Islam and Muslims, and Muslim perspectives on Basic Income.

Katherine is President of Compass Books, dedicated to publishing top-quality books about Islam and Muslims in English. She was a co-founder and past President of The Tessellate Institute. She is currently the host of the Canadian Muslim News show on Muslim Network TV. Originally from Australia, she lives in Oakville, Canada with her husband and children. She embraced Islam in 1994.


University of Toronto
PhD in Political Science, 1999

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