Hassam Munir

Company: Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

Title: History Educator and Communications Manager

Expert Overview

Hassam Munir is an expert on issues of Islamic history, research, anti-Islamophobia work, not-for-profit communications and  public relations.

Hassam Munir is a Toronto-based public relations and communications professional, as well as a history researcher and educator. He has a passion for digital storytelling, especially past and present stories involving Muslims. He is currently Communications Manager and a research fellow at the Yaqeen Institute of Islamic Research.

Previously, Hassam has done research, PR, journalism, and marketing work at Islamic Relief Canada, the Ontario Historical Society, and Excalibur Publications. He is also the founder of iHistory, a multimedia project that makes Islamic history more accessible for the general public through blogging, curating exhibits and social media campaigns, leading guided tours and workshops, and more. He has lectured on topics related to Islamic history in various forums in Canada, US, UK, Turkey, and Pakistan, and has published writing in a range of outlets. He is also active in anti-Islamophobia work, and often consults on community initiatives.

Hassam has a BA in Communication Studies and History, and is currently pursuing an MA in History from the University of Toronto. He was recognized as an Emerging Historian at the 2017 Heritage Toronto Awards.


University of Toronto,
M.A. in History (ongoing)

York University, 
B.A. in Communication Studies and History, 2017



Emerging Historian (2017 Heritage Toronto Awards)

Available for

Live TV interviews
Taped TV interviews
Radio interviews
Print interviews
Op-ed writing and analysis

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