Berak Hussain

Company: Carleton Health and Counselling Services

Title: Registered Psychotherapist

Expert Overview

Berak is an expert on issues of mental health, social justice, Muslim women and psychotherapy.
Berak Hussain is a Registered Psychotherapist practicing in a medical university clinic in Canada. She has a BA in Psychology and a Masters in Educational Counseling from the University of Ottawa. She’s also known as The Muslim Counsellor, and is a passionate public speaker on Muslim mental health, social justice , Islamic and women issues and poetry.
Berak speaks on a variety of Islamic-psychological issues bridging the connection and misconceptions around Islam and mental health and Islam and women. She has worked locally and internationally on a variety of mental health initiatives working tirelessly to break the stigma around the topic within the community through TV documentaries, and shows.
Berak has also developed and implemented wellness programs with widow/orphan charity groups in Iraq and is currently the Ambassador for Al Kawthar Project for Widows & Orphans, where they are implementing ongoing wellness circles with the local widows. This work has led Berak to work with the Imam Mahdi Association of Marjaeyat Liaison Office of Sayid Sistani in North America with program development and implementation across North America. Berak continues to encourage people to reach their full potential with the motto: Inspire, Heal, Empower


University of Ottawa,
Master of Educational Counselling



Available for

Live TV interviews
Taped TV interviews
Radio interviews
Print interviews
Op-ed writing and analysis

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