Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 82
Wati Rahmat

Wati Rahmat

Community Activist
Wati Rahmat is an expert on issues of Islamophobia, social justice, women's empowerment and relationship building with Indigenous and other under-represented groups.
Hassam Munir

Hassam Munir

History Educator and Communications Manager
Hassam Munir is an expert on issues of Islamic history, research, anti-Islamophobia work, not-for-profit communications and  public relations.
Djawid Taheri

Djawid Taheri

Djawid Taheri is an expert on issues of immigration and refugee law, criminal defence law and real estate law. 
Farida Talaat

Farida Talaat

Public Relations and Communications Expert
Farida Talaat is an expert on issues of public relations, marketing communications, art, global citizenry and cross-stitching.
Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Leadership and Communications Coach at DuraNet Enterprises Inc.
Ahmad-Shah Duranai is an expert on issues of leadership, verbal communications, peace and community activism.
Waheed Khan

Waheed Khan

President at the The Community of Federal Visible Minorities (CFVM) & Senior Advisor at Environment and Climate Change Canada
Waheed Khan is an expert on issues of human rights, visible minorities, climate change, diversity and inclusion. 
Taha Ghayyur

Taha Ghayyur

Human Rights Advocate & Public Speaker
Taha is an expert on issues of human rights, social justice, Muslim media, Muslim leadership and Canadian Muslims.
Berak Hussain

Berak Hussain

Registered Psychotherapist
Berak is an expert on issues of mental health, social justice, Muslim women and psychotherapy.
Maria Bangash

Maria Bangash

Educational and outreach coordinator at SMILE Canada
Maria is an expert on issues of disability, diversity, equity and inclusion.
Zeina Sleiman-Long

Zeina Sleiman-Long

Political Scientist and Academic Project Manager
Zeina is an expert on issues of immigration, settlement, racism and politics.
Sukaina Dada

Sukaina Dada

Executive Director at SMILE Canada, Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Sukaina is an expert on issues of occupational therapy, children and youth with disabilities and structural violence. 
Jamshid Hussaini

Jamshid Hussaini

Real Estate Developer at Business Point
Jamshid is an expert on issues of real estate and has lived experiences being an Afghan who was forced to flee his home country and built a new life in Canada. 
Liyakat Takim

Liyakat Takim

Professor at McMaster University
Liyakat is an expert on issues of Islam, Shia Islam, reformation, Islamic law and the Middle East.
Ibrahim J. Long

Ibrahim J. Long

Muslim Chaplain / Spirituality and Mental Health Advocate / Youth Counsellor
Ibrahim is an expert on issues of chaplaincy, counselling, youth, spirituality, mental health and interfaith dialogue.
Rania Younes

Rania Younes

Community development consultant
Rania is an expert on issues of immigrant employment, refugee settlement, youth mentorship and not-for-profit management.