Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 33
Ahmed Hassan

Ahmed Hassan

Psychiatrist, Clinician Scientist, and Assistant Professor
Dr. Ahmed Hassan is an expert on issues of addiction, trauma, concurrent disorder, Muslim mental health, PTSD and mood disorders. 
Yousef Wahb

Yousef Wahb

Sessional Instructor/Imam/Chaplain
Yousef Wahb is an expert on issues of Islamic law, Quranic studies, Theology and legal theory.
Fatimah Jackson-Best

Fatimah Jackson-Best

PhD, Researcher, Lecturer
Dr. Fatimah is an expert on issues of public health, mental health and Black Muslims.
Shefaly Gunjal

Shefaly Gunjal

Senior Manager, Sustainability and Social Impact at Citizen Relations
Shefaly is an expert on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. social impact and social sustainability.
Sarah UmmYusuf

Sarah UmmYusuf

Teacher/Mentor on Non-toxic living
Sarah is an expert on issues of natural and non-toxic living, health and wellness, homemade cleaning products and natural cleaning.
Seher Shafiq

Seher Shafiq

Writer and Consultant
Seher is an expert on issues of civic engagement, politics, policy, and elections.
Reyhana Patel

Reyhana Patel

Head of Communications and Government Relations at Islamic Relief Canada
Reyhana is an expert on issues of gender-based violence, racism, women's rights, Islamophobia and humanitarian aid.
Yalda Sarwar

Yalda Sarwar

Journalist, Human Rights Advocate, Poet, Community Organizer
Yalda is an expert on issues of Afghanistan, Afghan politics, human rights, women's rights, poetry, humanitarian work, community organizing, and advocacy.
Katherine Bullock

Katherine Bullock

Lecturer at the University of Toronto Mississauga
Katherine Bullock is an expert on issues of Muslim women; media representation, Muslim organizations in Canada; Islamic charity and basic income
Rabia Khokhar

Rabia Khokhar

Educator at TDSB
Rabia is an expert on issues of education, children's literature, representation and curriculum development.
Faisal Kutty

Faisal Kutty

Lawyer, Law Professor and Human Rights Advocate
Faisal Kutty is an expert on issues of Islamic law, Islamophobia, national security, human rights, legal pluralism, and the Middle East.
Rida Khan

Rida Khan

Urban Designer, Planner
Rida is an expert on issues of urban design, city planning, cities, and inequity in cities.
Aquil Virani

Aquil Virani

Artist, Designer
Aquil is an expert on issues of art, graphic design, painting, collaborative art, representation, identity, social justice and diversity.
Irfan Dhalla

Irfan Dhalla

Vice-President, Care Experience and Equity - Unity Health Toronto
Irfan Dhalla is an expert on issues of health, medicine, health care policy and Covid vaccines.
Huda Idrees

Huda Idrees

CEO, Dot Health
Huda Idrees is an expert in health technology, financial technology, startups, women in technology, and health equity.