Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 4
Humaira Jaleel

Humaira Jaleel

Executive Director of Healthy Muslim Families, Human Rights Advocate
Humaira Jaleel is an expert on issues of women empowerment, community activism, human rights and domestic violence.
Ismael Mukhtar

Ismael Mukhtar

Author, Editor
Ismael is an expert on issues of Islamic history, Muslim history, Muslim communities, Islamic thought and finance.
Jesse Reitberger

Jesse Reitberger

Halal Financial Advisor at Canadian Islamic Wealth
Jesse is an expert on issues of Islamic finance, Islamic investing and halal investing.
Rehman Abdulrehman

Rehman Abdulrehman

Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba, Consulting and Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Abdulrehman is an expert on issues of psychology, mental health, diversity, inclusion, and racism.