Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 8
Anser Farooq

Anser Farooq

Senior Criminal Trial Lawyer
Anser Farooq is an expert issues of criminal law.
Bayan Khatib

Bayan Khatib

Co-founder at Syrian Canadian Foundation
Bayan Khatib is an expert on issues of refugees, newcomers, Islamophobia, immigration, integration, inclusion and diversity.
Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Leadership and Communications Coach at DuraNet Enterprises Inc.
Ahmad-Shah Duranai is an expert on issues of leadership, verbal communications, peace and community activism.
Taha Ghayyur

Taha Ghayyur

Human Rights Advocate & Public Speaker
Taha is an expert on issues of human rights, social justice, Muslim media, Muslim leadership and Canadian Muslims.
Sukaina Dada

Sukaina Dada

Executive Director at SMILE Canada, Paediatric Occupational Therapist
Sukaina is an expert on issues of occupational therapy, children and youth with disabilities and structural violence. 
Reyhana Patel

Reyhana Patel

Head of Communications and Government Relations at Islamic Relief Canada
Reyhana is an expert on issues of gender-based violence, racism, women's rights, Islamophobia and humanitarian aid.
Katherine Bullock

Katherine Bullock

Lecturer at the University of Toronto Mississauga
Katherine Bullock is an expert on issues of Muslim women; media representation, Muslim organizations in Canada; Islamic charity and basic income
Shireen Ahmed

Shireen Ahmed

Sports Journalist
Shireen is an expert on issues of sports, Islamophobia, sexism, misogyny, and racism.