Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 10
Khadija Zafar

Khadija Zafar

Service navigator at SMILE Canada & Advisor at Accessible Parks Canada
Khadija Zafar is an expert on issues of disability, accessibility, education and social justice. 
Afifa Hashimi

Afifa Hashimi

Lawyer (Labour, human rights, and employment law)
Afifa Hashimi is an expert on issues of human rights; equity, diversity, and inclusion, racism, gender equity, social justice and Islamophobia.
Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Professor, Policy Analyst, Social Justice Advocate
Dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui is an expert on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, social inequality, immigration, refugees, multiculturalism, racism, Islamophobia, hate crimes, integration, radicalization, terrorism and mental health. 
Rukiya Mohamed

Rukiya Mohamed

Coordinator at the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement
Rukiya Mohamed is an expert on issues of anti-Black racism, Islamophobia, equity, inclusion, human rights and education.
Wati Rahmat

Wati Rahmat

Community Activist
Wati Rahmat is an expert on issues of Islamophobia, social justice, women's empowerment and relationship building with Indigenous and other under-represented groups.
Taha Ghayyur

Taha Ghayyur

Human Rights Advocate & Public Speaker
Taha is an expert on issues of human rights, social justice, Muslim media, Muslim leadership and Canadian Muslims.
Shefaly Gunjal

Shefaly Gunjal

Senior Manager, Sustainability and Social Impact at Citizen Relations
Shefaly is an expert on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion. social impact and social sustainability.
Seher Shafiq

Seher Shafiq

Writer and Consultant
Seher is an expert on issues of civic engagement, politics, policy, and elections.
Ganiyat Sadiq

Ganiyat Sadiq

President of Black Inclusion Association
Ganiyat is an expert on issues of Intersectionality, Neo-colonialism in Africa, Islamophobia and systemic racism.
Aquil Virani

Aquil Virani

Artist, Designer
Aquil is an expert on issues of art, graphic design, painting, collaborative art, representation, identity, social justice and diversity.