Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 12
Naved Bakali

Naved Bakali

Professor at University of Windsor
Naved Bakali is an expert on issues of Islamophobia, race and racism, War on Terror, securitization, Critical Race Theory and education. 
Afifa Hashimi

Afifa Hashimi

Lawyer (Labour, human rights, and employment law)
Afifa Hashimi is an expert on issues of human rights; equity, diversity, and inclusion, racism, gender equity, social justice and Islamophobia.
Ruba Ali Al-Hassani

Ruba Ali Al-Hassani

Postdoctoral Research Associate and Research Consultant
Ruba Ali-Hassani is an expert on issues of Iraq, Sociology, law, transitional justice, social and protest movements and human rights.
Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui

Professor, Policy Analyst, Social Justice Advocate
Dr. Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui is an expert on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion, social inequality, immigration, refugees, multiculturalism, racism, Islamophobia, hate crimes, integration, radicalization, terrorism and mental health. 
Rukiya Mohamed

Rukiya Mohamed

Coordinator at the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement
Rukiya Mohamed is an expert on issues of anti-Black racism, Islamophobia, equity, inclusion, human rights and education.
Zeina Sleiman-Long

Zeina Sleiman-Long

Political Scientist and Academic Project Manager
Zeina is an expert on issues of immigration, settlement, racism and politics.
Reyhana Patel

Reyhana Patel

Head of Communications and Government Relations at Islamic Relief Canada
Reyhana is an expert on issues of gender-based violence, racism, women's rights, Islamophobia and humanitarian aid.
Sarah Mushtaq

Sarah Mushtaq

Writer & Community Advocate
Sarah is an expert on issues related to Muslim women, hijab, feminism, equity, anti-racism, and governance.
Ganiyat Sadiq

Ganiyat Sadiq

President of Black Inclusion Association
Ganiyat is an expert on issues of Intersectionality, Neo-colonialism in Africa, Islamophobia and systemic racism.
Rehman Abdulrehman

Rehman Abdulrehman

Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba, Consulting and Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Abdulrehman is an expert on issues of psychology, mental health, diversity, inclusion, and racism.
Shireen Ahmed

Shireen Ahmed

Sports Journalist
Shireen is an expert on issues of sports, Islamophobia, sexism, misogyny, and racism.
Kofi Achampong

Kofi Achampong

Lawyer, Government Relations Advisor
Kofi Achampong is an expert on issues of public policy, politics, and law.