Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 5
Yasmine Atassi

Yasmine Atassi

Policy Advisor / Political Staffer | President of Zero Food Waste Ottawa
Yasmine is an expert on issues of climate, politics, sustainability, food waste, community engagement and circular economy.
Zeina Sleiman-Long

Zeina Sleiman-Long

Political Scientist and Academic Project Manager
Zeina is an expert on issues of immigration, settlement, racism and politics.
Seher Shafiq

Seher Shafiq

Writer and Consultant
Seher is an expert on issues of civic engagement, politics, policy, and elections.
Yalda Sarwar

Yalda Sarwar

Journalist, Human Rights Advocate, Poet, Community Organizer
Yalda is an expert on issues of Afghanistan, Afghan politics, human rights, women's rights, poetry, humanitarian work, community organizing, and advocacy.
Kofi Achampong

Kofi Achampong

Lawyer, Government Relations Advisor
Kofi Achampong is an expert on issues of public policy, politics, and law.