Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 6
Anser Farooq

Anser Farooq

Senior Criminal Trial Lawyer
Anser Farooq is an expert issues of criminal law.
Ruba Ali Al-Hassani

Ruba Ali Al-Hassani

Postdoctoral Research Associate and Research Consultant
Ruba Ali-Hassani is an expert on issues of Iraq, Sociology, law, transitional justice, social and protest movements and human rights.
Djawid Taheri

Djawid Taheri

Djawid Taheri is an expert on issues of immigration and refugee law, criminal defence law and real estate law. 
Yousef Wahb

Yousef Wahb

Sessional Instructor/Imam/Chaplain
Yousef Wahb is an expert on issues of Islamic law, Quranic studies, Theology and legal theory.
Faisal Kutty

Faisal Kutty

Lawyer, Law Professor and Human Rights Advocate
Faisal Kutty is an expert on issues of Islamic law, Islamophobia, national security, human rights, legal pluralism, and the Middle East.
Kofi Achampong

Kofi Achampong

Lawyer, Government Relations Advisor
Kofi Achampong is an expert on issues of public policy, politics, and law.