Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 4
Noha Beshir

Noha Beshir

Noha Beshir is an expert on issues of hockey, Montreal Canadiens, hijab and Bill 21.
Wati Rahmat

Wati Rahmat

Community Activist
Wati Rahmat is an expert on issues of Islamophobia, social justice, women's empowerment and relationship building with Indigenous and other under-represented groups.
Shireen Ahmed

Shireen Ahmed

Sports Journalist
Shireen is an expert on issues of sports, Islamophobia, sexism, misogyny, and racism.
Lina Sobhi Abdrabo

Lina Sobhi Abdrabo

Researcher at McGill University Health Center
Lina is an expert on issues of clinical research, medicine, and healthcare volunteering.