Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 4
Selma Tobah

Selma Tobah

Community Development Worker
Selma Tobah is an expert on issues of community, advocacy, health promotion, Islamophobia and youth.
Jordana Salma

Jordana Salma

Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta
Dr. Salma is an expert on issues of aging, immigrant women, older immigrants and health equity.
Rehman Abdulrehman

Rehman Abdulrehman

Assistant Professor, University of Manitoba, Consulting and Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Abdulrehman is an expert on issues of psychology, mental health, diversity, inclusion, and racism.
Huda Idrees

Huda Idrees

CEO, Dot Health
Huda Idrees is an expert in health technology, financial technology, startups, women in technology, and health equity.