Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 5
Naved Bakali

Naved Bakali

Professor at University of Windsor
Naved Bakali is an expert on issues of Islamophobia, race and racism, War on Terror, securitization, Critical Race Theory and education. 
Khadija Zafar

Khadija Zafar

Service navigator at SMILE Canada & Advisor at Accessible Parks Canada
Khadija Zafar is an expert on issues of disability, accessibility, education and social justice. 
Rukiya Mohamed

Rukiya Mohamed

Coordinator at the Centre of Excellence for Black Student Achievement
Rukiya Mohamed is an expert on issues of anti-Black racism, Islamophobia, equity, inclusion, human rights and education.
Rabia Khokhar

Rabia Khokhar

Educator at TDSB
Rabia is an expert on issues of education, children's literature, representation and curriculum development.
Muna Saleh

Muna Saleh

Assistant Professor
Dr. Muna Saleh is an expert on issues of Muslim motherhood, curriculum studies, Muslim women, and supporting Muslim students.