Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 4
Humaira Jaleel

Humaira Jaleel

Executive Director of Healthy Muslim Families, Human Rights Advocate
Humaira Jaleel is an expert on issues of women empowerment, community activism, human rights and domestic violence.
Yasmine Atassi

Yasmine Atassi

Policy Advisor / Political Staffer | President of Zero Food Waste Ottawa
Yasmine is an expert on issues of climate, politics, sustainability, food waste, community engagement and circular economy.
Selma Tobah

Selma Tobah

Community Development Worker
Selma Tobah is an expert on issues of community, advocacy, health promotion, Islamophobia and youth.
Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Leadership and Communications Coach at DuraNet Enterprises Inc.
Ahmad-Shah Duranai is an expert on issues of leadership, verbal communications, peace and community activism.