Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 6
Abdul Kayum Masimov

Abdul Kayum Masimov

Project Coordinator
Abdul Kayum Masimov is an expert on issues of Uyghur rights, Uyghur genocide, Uyghur refugees and Communist China.
Maria Bangash

Maria Bangash

Educational and outreach coordinator at SMILE Canada
Maria is an expert on issues of disability, diversity, equity and inclusion.
Seher Shafiq

Seher Shafiq

Writer and Consultant
Seher is an expert on issues of civic engagement, politics, policy, and elections.
Ingrid Mattson

Ingrid Mattson

Professor, Huron University College at Western
Dr. Ingrid is an expert on issues related to Islam, Quran, chaplaincy, interfaith dialogue and ethics.
Reyhana Patel

Reyhana Patel

Head of Communications and Government Relations at Islamic Relief Canada
Reyhana is an expert on issues of gender-based violence, racism, women's rights, Islamophobia and humanitarian aid.
Yalda Sarwar

Yalda Sarwar

Journalist, Human Rights Advocate, Poet, Community Organizer
Yalda is an expert on issues of Afghanistan, Afghan politics, human rights, women's rights, poetry, humanitarian work, community organizing, and advocacy.