Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 4
Siham Elkassem

Siham Elkassem

Therapist, Social worker, Researcher
Siham Elkassem is an expert on issues of social work, therapy, mental health, Muslim children and the impact of Islamophobia on Muslim children.
Ahmed Hassan

Ahmed Hassan

Psychiatrist, Clinician Scientist, and Assistant Professor
Dr. Ahmed Hassan is an expert on issues of addiction, trauma, concurrent disorder, Muslim mental health, PTSD and mood disorders. 
Fatimah Jackson-Best

Fatimah Jackson-Best

PhD, Researcher, Lecturer
Dr. Fatimah is an expert on issues of public health, mental health and Black Muslims.
Jibran Khokhar

Jibran Khokhar

Professor, University of Guelph
Dr. Jibran Khokhar is an expert on issues of addiction, schizophrenia, adolescence, brain circuitry, alcohol, cannabis, and vaping.