Muslim Sources Expert Database

Experts Found: 4
Khadija Zafar

Khadija Zafar

Service navigator at SMILE Canada & Advisor at Accessible Parks Canada
Khadija Zafar is an expert on issues of disability, accessibility, education and social justice. 
Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Ahmad-Shah Duranai

Leadership and Communications Coach at DuraNet Enterprises Inc.
Ahmad-Shah Duranai is an expert on issues of leadership, verbal communications, peace and community activism.
Maria Bangash

Maria Bangash

Educational and outreach coordinator at SMILE Canada
Maria is an expert on issues of disability, diversity, equity and inclusion.
Jamshid Hussaini

Jamshid Hussaini

Real Estate Developer at Business Point
Jamshid is an expert on issues of real estate and has lived experiences being an Afghan who was forced to flee his home country and built a new life in Canada.