Sarah Mushtaq

Title: Writer & Community Advocate

Expert Overview

Sarah is an expert on issues related to Muslim women, hijab, feminism, equity, anti-racism, and governance.

Sarah is an innovative community builder, advocate and writer. A recipient of the Leadership Windsor/Essex 40 Under 40 Award, Sarah holds a Bachelors of Arts & Science degree in political science and biology from the University of Windsor, along with a Master in Business Administration with a concentration in Strategy.

Interested in all things related to community engagement, she has championed many local initiatives focused on breaking down biases and bridging the gap between the Windsor and greater Canadian Muslim community, law enforcement, the education sector, and the political sphere. She has appeared in media through print columns, radio and TV interviews.

Building on her various experiences working with non-profit organizations, in the public sector, and as a consultant in the anti-racism & DEI space, Sarah enjoys bringing people together. Through her outreach work, Sarah has additional experience in the impact of national security laws and framework on Muslim communities.

The proud daughter of South Asian immigrants, Sarah has lived in diverse areas of North America.


University of Windsor
Leadership Windsor/Essex 40 Under 40 Award

Available for

Live TV interviews
Taped TV interviews
Radio interviews
Print interviews
Op-ed writing and analysis