Rabia Khokhar

Company: Toronto District School Board

Title: Educator at TDSB

Expert Overview

Rabia Khokhar is an expert on issues of education, children's literature, representation and curriculum development.
Rabia is an elementary teacher in Toronto and an equity consultant.
She is passionate about ensuring schools are inclusive spaces where all students with their multiple and intersectional identities are reflected, represented, included and seen through an asset based lens. She is the recipient of the Elementary Teacher’s Federation of Ontario’s 2021 Anti-Racist and Equity Activism Award.
She enjoys sharing her teaching and learning on her twitter platform @Rabia_Khokhar1 and her website www.rabiakhokhar.com.


University of Toronto, 
PhD Candidate
York University,
Elementary Teacher’s Federation of Ontario’s 2021 Anti-Racist and Equity Activism Award

Available for

Live TV interviews
Taped TV interviews
Radio interviews
Print interviews
Op-ed writing and analysis

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