Jamshid Hussaini

Title: Real Estate Developer at Business Point

Expert Overview

Jamshid is an expert on issues of real estate and has lived experiences being an Afghan who was forced to flee his home country and built a new life in Canada.

Jamshid (James) Hussaini is a real estate developer and president of Business Point, a fast growing developer of industrial condo units across the Greater Toronto Area. He has been active in the real estate industry for the last 20 years leading a diverse portfolio of real estate projects. Since, 2006, he has successfully completed 15 investment projects across the province of Ontario, Canada.

As a child, Jamshid and his family were forced to flee Afghanistan. Leaving many possessions behind, they relied on each other for strength and this fortitude has stayed with him ever since. He did not grow up with the comforts most take for granted. His home life was very simple and school, when available, was very different from what most people understand a primary school system to be. He and his classmates did not even have the basic facilities that are commonplace in North America. However, Jamshid used his experiences to motivate himself and find the determination to overcome these circumstances and discover his true potential. That is why, at the tender age of 14, he decided that his purpose in life was to help people all over the world. ​ He believes in the power of education, innovation and philanthropy to affect positive change in life, and in the lives of those he meets. His desire to reach out and lift up those around him drives his every waking hour to create a better place for his family, friends and associates and the world.


York University,
B.A (Hons) Urban Studies

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