Ibrahim J. Long

Company: Islamic Family and Social Services Association (IFSSA)

Title: Muslim Chaplain / Spirituality and Mental Health Advocate / Youth Counsellor

Expert Overview

Ibrahim is an expert on issues of chaplaincy, counselling, youth, spirituality, mental health and interfaith dialogue.

Imam Ibrahim J. Long is the Youth Mental Health Lead and Chaplain for the Islamic Family and Social Services Association.

He is a passionate advocate for the integration of spirituality and mental health with a strong focus on youth and young adult populations. He is also an avid advocate for inter-religious dialogue and understanding.

Ibrahim has a blended educational track that includes academic and traditional religious studies with training in spiritually integrated mental health care and counselling. He holds a BA in Religious Studies, an MA in Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations, and a Graduate Certificate in Islamic Chaplaincy. He has also completed extensive training in clinical pastoral education (CPE).

Ibrahim is one of a few, though a growing number, of academically and clinically-trained Muslim chaplains serving in Canada. He has significant experience as a chaplain serving in psychiatric and medical hospitals as well as educational and correctional institutions. He has published a number of academic publications (articles and book chapters) on the subject of Muslim chaplaincy and the care of Muslim clientele and has received professional awards for his work.

Presently, Ibrahim is pursuing a Masters in Social Work with a specialization in Community-Informed Practice for Health and Well-being.

Ibrahim has prior media experience with CBC Edmonton News, CBC Radio, and print media. He has been featured as a Muslim representative alongside other local and national religious leaders to discuss issues Covid and mental health concerns within faith communities.


University of Calgary,
Masters of Social Work

Hartford Seminary, 
M.A Islamic Studies & Christian-Muslim Relations

Hartford Seminary,
Graduate Certificate, Islamic Chaplancy

California State University,
B.A. Humanities & Religious Studies



Momentum Mental Health Researcher/Clinician Award (May 2018), Momentum Walk-in Counselling

Distinguished Service Award (March 2016), Association of Muslim Chaplains

Angel-Marie O’Connor Award (August 2013), Spiritual Care Department, St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton

Available for

Live TV interviews
Taped TV interviews
Radio interviews
Print interviews
Op-ed writing and analysis

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