Mohamad Sawwaf

Title: CEO at Manzil

Expert Overview

Mohamad is an expert on issues of Islamic finance, conventional finance, entrepreneurship, startups, disruption and social impact.

Mohamad Sawwaf is the Co-Founder & CEO of Manzil, the only Canadian Islamic FinTech that manufactures and distributes Halal financial solutions which currently include mortgages and investment funds.

Mohamad holds an MBA from the Rotman School of Management as well as a second Masters focused on Corporate Governance from the Henley Business School (UK) and is currently wrapping up his Doctorate in Islamic Finance. He regularly consults the UAE governments on Islamic Finance practices and is considered one of the leading authorities of Islamic Finance in Canada.

He is also the Chair of the Advisory Council of UNHCR Canada where his focus is to lead the council, oversee the Young Leaders Committee, and build relationships with the private sector to increase refugee employment and financial resources required to assist in their settlement.


Henley Business School,

Doctor of Business Administration Candidate, Islamic Finance,

Henley Business School,
MSc Business Management and Research,
University of Toronto,
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

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