Fatimah Jackson-Best

Company: Black Health Alliance

Title: PhD, Researcher, Lecturer

Expert Overview

Dr. Fatimah is an expert on issues of public health, mental health and Black Muslims.

Dr. Fatimah Jackson-Best is a public health researcher with a specialization in mental health. Her work focuses on communities in Canada and the Caribbean.

She holds a PhD from the University of Toronto Dalla Lana School of Public Health, and conducted her dissertation research on Black women’s experiences of maternal depression in Barbados. In 2018-2019 she worked with the Black Muslim Initiative and Tessellate Institute to publish a systematic review focused on Black Muslims in Canada.

Currently Dr. Jackson-Best is a lecturer at York University in the Department of Anthropology, and the Project Manager of Pathways to Care where she is designing an intervention to improve access to mental health and addictions services for Black children, youth, and their families in Ontario.


University of Toronto, 
PhD, Public Health, 2015

York University, 
M.A. Social Anthropology, 2009

York University,
B.A. Anthropology and Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 2006


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